Tribute To Chris Christensen
– chair of Cancer Voices SA from 2017-Oct 2020.
Many people get cancer, but few have raised a voice so effectively on our behalf as Chris Christensen. Chris is well known, well-loved, well respected and was influential as a cancer advocate at the local, state and national level.
Chris had “modest” advocacy ambitions including holistic, high quality patient-centred treatment and ongoing care; consumer voices and engagement in all aspects of cancer services and policy; better access and equity; cancer research; and public education about cancer. It was Cancer Voices’ focus on ‘good systems not just good luck or chance’ and focus on ‘wellness not just illness’ that really resonated with Chris from the outset, and drew her to us, saying she felt she’d ‘found her tribe’ of like-minded people.
Read our full tribute to Chris Christensen.