Our presentations, publications, videos.
- Raising awareness of undergraduate nurses to the psychosocial impact of living with cancer: a consumer engagement in teaching initiative. (2016) Zannettino L, Thompson J, Marker J, Agius S. APJON, 3(2):121-124.
- Recovering from and surviving cancer: a consumer perspective. Marker, J (2015) Cancer Forum 39(2):76-79.
Newspaper, TV
- Ovarian cancer awareness (Feb 2019) Chris Christensen
- Cancer study to focus on ‘tsunami of survivors’ www.abc.net.au/news/2017-02-04/new-cancer-treatments-creating-tsunami-of-survivors/8241556 Karen van Gorp, Julie Marker World Cancer Day 4 Feb 2017 ABC News
Videos – see our YouTube channel
Poster presentations:
- Evolution and Revolution – 10+ years of cancer advocacy. Chris Christensen & Julie Marker. March 2019 Survivorship Conference
- Survivors in the survivorship equation: survivor evidence + survivor views of best practice = better outcomes. Chris Christensen & Julie Marker. Feb 2018 Victorian Cancer Survivorship Conference
- Are iron deficiency and peripheral neuropathy from oxaliplatin linked? Brian Wall, Julie Marker. 2019 COSA Conference
- Consumers and communities – key partners in biobanking. Julie Marker, Debra Kay, Jan Mumford. Australasian Biospecimen Network Association. 2016 Annual Conference.
- Research on cancer survivorship in Australia. Current status, gaps and needs. Agnes Vitry & Julie Marker. Feb 2015 Survivorship Conference
- Working together to ensure structured exercise is safe and more accessible for cancer survivors. Jason Schild, Tricia LaBella, Julie Marker. Feb 2015 Survivorship Conference
- Why aren’t we measuring what matters to cancer survivors’ in Australia? Julie Marker & Agnes Vitry. Feb 2015 Survivorship Conference
- Students perceptions of a consumer-led discussion group format to improve awareness of the patient perspective Dr Jo Thomas, Dr Agnes Vitry, Julie Marker, Clinical Oncology Society of Australia , Annual Conference, 12-14 Nov 2013
- Building yourself to better cope – a case study of a cycling team led by cancer survivors. Clare Oakes, Jaklin Eliott, Cancer Voices SA, Feb 2013 Survivorship Conference
- “More than just telling my story” when cancer survivors become teachers: Julie Marker, Louise Bastian, Stephanie Newell, Kath Lockier (Survivorship Conference, Adelaide Feb 2015)
- Walked the walk to talk the talk: yarning about cancer (2011) Ashleigh Moore, Julie Marker
- Radiotherapy benchmarks for cancer treatments, from the consumers perspective (2008) Ashleigh Moore, Julie Marker
- Complementary therapies for cancer care in Australia and overseas – background paper (2008) Ashleigh Moore, Julie Marker.